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Internet gatekeepers trying to torch all truth across the ‘Net, targeting Natural News, InfoWars and more

We warned you it would happen, and now it has: The anti-Trump, pro-globalist Left is moving quickly to punish independent media outlets who support the 45th president and treat him fairly with honest coverage of him and his administration.

Earlier this week Alex Jones’ Infowars lost a $3 million-a-year ad content deal when the company, AdRoll, decided to suddenly drop them, despite the high volume of traffic his web properties receive, over charges that the site publishes ‘fake news.’ It doesn’t; in fact, if anyone publishes fake news, it’s the many other web properties the company is continuing to do business with. If this angers you as a liberty-minded person who believes in the constitutional principle of free speech, let AdRoll know you’re angry.

Then there was the takedown this week of conservative provocateur and enthusiastic Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos by an alleged “conservative” group called the Reagan Battalion, whom virtually no one had heard of before. The group published a selectively-edited video of Yiannopoulos appearing to condone homosexual sex between adults and 13-year-old boys; the takedown cost him a $250,000 book deal, his job at Breitbart, and an invitation to the Conservative Political Action Committee meeting, which began Wednesday evening. Come to find out, Reagan Battalion actually has ties to the far-Left group Indivisible, as the Gateway Pundit reported. This group is one of those behind the staged protests at GOP lawmakers’ town hall meetings. Board members to the group have indirect links to Alt-Left George Soros groups. (RELATED: Pay attention to these three financial experts if you want to survive the coming financial superstorm)

Shopify, an e-commerce platform, was threatened by organized Left-wing groups to drop Breitbart as a content provider, but the CEO graciously defended his decision not to do so, despite coming under intense pressure from the real purveyors of censorship. He may not like Breitbart’s political slant, but as a true believer in free speech, he refused to cave to the demands of would-be authoritarians.

And now, Natural News is under assault – by Google, a multi-billion dollar company that built everything that it has become on the premise that the World Wide Web ought to be a place where censorship went to die and freedom of speech and expression flourished for all.

We were notified early Wednesday that some 140,000 previously indexed pages – our catalog of stories – has been removed from the search engine giant, almost as if we’d never existed. The reason? We’re not sure yet, but as our founder/editor, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has observed, it’s very likely an arbitrary decision directly tied to our commitment to the truth, to fair, unbiased coverage of President Donald Trump, and our penchant for taking on the medical, social and political establishments with hard-core vigilance and take-no-prisoners style.

Facts are inconvenient things, we are told, and no one epitomizes that more than those on the insane Left. When they encounter people who simply disagree with them, they always defer to the solutions of banishing them, taking away their ability to express themselves, or shouting them into silence. Never have they resorted to open and honest debate, allowing two separate voices to be heard on the issues so as to allow all of us the opportunity to make informed decisions based on all the evidence and all the facts. In the past, voices of conservative dissent were rarely heard because the Left owned the press; today, however, that ownership has been subjugated by the flourishing of the independent, online media. In cyberspace, the competition of ideals is fully achievable, but that’s a problem for the Left because when shown the light of day, they lose the debates.

Barack Obama and Democrats could have never told Americans that Obamacare would result in the loss of personal insurance plans, that deductibles would skyrocket, that out-of-pocket expenses would rise dramatically, and that you couldn’t keep your doctor. So they lied about the law in order to get it passed. George W. Bush and Republicans could not reveal that provisions of the USA Patriot Act would grant presidents carte blanche authority to order American spy agencies to vacuum up all of our personal data, or they would have never been able to pass it. And so on. (RELATED: All you need to know about the discredited mainstream media, in one Mika Brzezinski quote)

The Internet was supposed to be the final answer to free and open debate, real representative democracy and the free-flowing exchange of ideas – but we allowed it to be hijacked by the same anti-choice, anti-free speech forces the ‘Net was supposed to thwart. That’s the Google faction, by the way.

Well, at least there are ways around this abject censorship. Here’s what we need our wonderful Natural News readers and supporters to do:

— Stop using ‘mainstream’ search engines like Google and Yahoo, as well as social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. They are limiting your information.

— Use for searching, and become a social media warrior at, where there is NO censorship, just liberty.

— Sign up for the Natural News daily newsletter (below) and get our content sent straight to you.

— Bookmark our site,, and check in regularly throughout the day, as we update the site regularly with fresh, informative, truthful content. Same with

Thanks for your continued support. We really do appreciate it.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


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