police state
By Bridgette Wilcox
Baltimore to be turned into a police state battleground as murder spirals out of control
As murder rates climb to an alarming record high in the city of Baltimore, its mayor, Catherine Pugh, has asked the FBI to help local police control the violence. According to a news report on Baltimore.CBSLocal.com, murders in Baltimore rose to almost one killing a day. Before the end of the first quarter, killings climbed to […]
By Mike Adams
United Airlines drags physician kicking and screaming off a flight he PAID FOR because they overbooked and wanted the seat back
Welcome to the friendly skies of United Airlines, where you can pay for a ticket, take your assigned seat, mind your own business waiting for the plane to take off and then be violently dragged out of your seat by armed government goons who smash your face and humiliate you in front of everyone. This […]
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