EXCLUSIVE: Right-wing street artists who plastered Trump stars on Hollywood Walk of Fame issue ‘warning’ to ‘resistors’

A group of anonymous right-wing street artists multiplied President Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star on Hollywood Blvd. following the destruction of his real one — and they now have a warning for “Resistors”.

(Article by Cassandra Fairbanks republished from TheGatewayPundit.com)

The artists, who describe themselves as a “rogue right-wing street outfit” that is “100% pro-individualism and meritocracy and 100% anti-identity politics” used 30 vinyl laminated Donald Trump stars to fill in blank squares along the path.

Working under the name The Faction, the anonymous artists are now issuing a “warning” to resistors about their “baby-tantrum tactics.”

The full statement provided to The Gateway Pundit by the artists reads as follows:

In Donald Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” the President instructs that if someone fucks you over, you have to fuck them back twice as hard. Because we Russian bots are learning machines, though, we may have taken it to the extreme. Rip up the President’s Walk Of Fame star or try to have it removed – like you’re the Mayor of West Hollywood or something — and thirty more will pop up.

“Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine” Trump tapped into his typewriter when he wrote Star Wars. We are seeing his prophetic words play out as we speak. Or did you SpaceForce deniers think that movie was fiction? When are you going to realize that you’ve sided with the Empire?

Keep it up, “Resistors”. We’re going to ride your baby-tantrum tactics all the way to victory in 2020 and beyond. Keep it up, “Resistors”. And your bathroom will be tiled with Trump Stars by the time he boards Marine One on January 20, 2025.

The idiots pick-axing Trump’s star on the Walk of Fame are the same as the Whining Acostas and High-Pitch Stelters of the fake media. They don’t understand that the Real Trump has infected America with winning fever, and like his star has infected the Walk of Fame — literally massing around and isolating cancerous stars like Blubbering Rob Reiner and Crying Jimmy Kimmel — the fever is spreading.

We are The Faction.

It is rumored that Milo Yiannopolous funded the stars, but neither camp would confirm or deny the speculation. The speculation continued to gain steam after the controversial author and journalist posted a photo of the stars to his Instagram — vowing to make more.

imma make more of these stickers so you can all join in the fun

A post shared by MILO (@milo.yiannopoulos) on

Though they are extremely durable, it seems that they have already been peeled off as local businesses were worried about another maniac coming by with a pick ax.

Read more at: TheGatewayPundit.com
