12/31/2019 / By Mike Adams
The 2020s may one day be called the “decade of insanity,” given all the insane things believed by a surprisingly large number of people. The frantic beliefs of these people are, of course, driving them to the brink of insanity. We see this with Greta Thunberg and the climate change lunatics, who are all convinced the world will literally be destroyed in 10 years if we don’t stop using fossil fuels (that’s item #3, see below).
When the masses can be convinced that they are all going to die, they tend to become rather crazed and irrational. And that’s where we are today in America, no longer the “land of the free” but rather the “cesspool of the insane,” led by psycho-terrorism organizations known as CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times. They’ve all abandoned journalism and now prioritize carrying out acts of psychological terrorism (or what I’ve called “journo-terrorism”) against the American people.
So now we launch the decade of the 2020s as a nation that’s largely run by criminals and traitors (i.e. most of Congress and the bureaucracy), where the university students are taught by libtard nut jobs pretending to be “professors,” where investors think the stock market will never suffer a correction again, and where CNN literally reports that men can get pregnant and give birth to human babies, some of whom the Left says should probably be murdered in the name of “women’s rights” (i.e. abortion).
We are now living in the Age of Insanity, and it’s not looking any better for 2020 and beyond.
So here’s a list of 10 totally insane things that millions of Americans believe right now as we enter this decade of insanity. Hint: Given all the 5G radiation, brain damaging fluoride in the water, heavy metals in the food and hormones in food packaging, it’s certain that the insanity is only going to get worse, so buckle up and prepare for life in a mad, mad world.
Nearly all Leftists literally believe there are more than two genders and that a person of one gender can magically transform into a completely different gender just by wishing. (See Gender.news for many examples.)
Yes, Leftists now believe that men can get pregnant and have babies, and children are being taught that there are an infinite number of genders when, in reality, there are only two. By the same token, children are also being taught that getting the right answer on a test question isn’t important anymore… it’s how you feel about your answer that’s the new “reality.”
This belief afflicts nearly all the masses, the oblivious retail investors who stupidly think their pension funds and mutual fund investments will keep growing forever, with no retractions, corrections or crashes.
So they buy and buy even as we are in such overbought territory that all the professional investors are selling everything and heading to their cabins in the woods with bars of gold.
In 2020, the typical American is now in “full FOMO” mode (Fear Of Missing Out) and is almost fanatically plunging all assets into the stock market in a desperate effort to chase the irrational exuberance to its final, disastrous end.
When the day of reckoning comes for these markets, the masses will be destroyed. But if the Fed plays along with more money creation and spontaneous liquidity, that day may yet be delayed until perhaps 2021 (or not).
AOC reminds us that we now have a clinically retarded lunatic as a member of Congress, and she quite literally believes the entire planet will cease to exist in just ten years if we don’t immediately stop burning fossil fuels. But she’s not alone: The incessant fearmongering of the journo-terrorism media has managed to transform all sorts of previously rational people into raving climate lunatics who, when they speak, sound dumber than dirt.
If we were to halt the use of fossil fuels, of course, the global food supply would almost immediately collapse, leading to mass starvation, disease and a population implosion. Perhaps this is what the globalists really want, it seems, since they keep demanding it at every turn.
What’s new in all this is the fact that climate lunatics are now terrorizing children, then holding them up as “warriors” to fight for “climate justice” when, in reality, they’re just terrorized, abused young people who will one day come to harshly resent how they were exploited and psychologically terrorized by left-wing lunatics for political gain.
According to the same lunatic Leftists who have decided that men can somehow become women by wishing for a sex change, human babies that are born alive and healthy aren’t really “alive” until the mother decides she wants to keep that baby. Until that moment comes, the mother, the doctor and apparently anyone in the room with a baseball bat can legally murder that child in the name of “progressivism,” Leftists insist.
This is the new culture of the mainstream Left: Infanticide and violence against human babies. Celebrated and applauded by all Democrats.
And they justify it all by claiming that Trump is bad, therefore murdering babies makes it all even, somehow. Yes, it’s insane, but this is how the Left thinks. And it brings up the question: If these people are willing to murder their own children, do you really think they will hesitate to murder their political opponents if given the opportunity?
Keep that in mind the next time some baby-killing Governor (Northam, anyone?) announces he’s coming for your guns. Heck, they probably need your guns to help them execute all the children they plan to kill in the hospitals, while Michelle Wolf celebrates how killing babies makes her feel “like God.”
Yes, in the year 2020, we still have millions of Americans who quite literally believe the Earth is flat… like a disc floating in space. They also believe the sun and moon are discs, and that satellites don’t exist, and that gravity isn’t real.
And they are rather fanatical about these beliefs, convincing themselves that there is a global conspiracy to silence the truth about the “flat Earth” in order to prevent humans from discovering the edges where you can step off into outer space… or something.
I recently posted a detailed science article explaining what Flat Earthers get wrong about gravity and elliptical orbits, but it doesn’t matter what you say to them: They’re happy to redefine Kepler’s laws of motion, or Newton’s laws, or Einstein’s equations, or whatever it takes to pretend the Earth is a flat disc and all space flight was faked on a green screen stage in Hollywood.
At least the Flat Earthers aren’t fascists who demand we give up combustion engines or something, like AOC. Mostly, the Flat Earth movement is all about a “thought experiment,” but they aren’t dangerous like Leftists who want to murder children and collapse entire economies. If we had Flat Earthers in congress instead of climate lunatics, we’d actually be better off, come to think of it. And elections would be far more entertaining.
It’s amazing how many people still believe vaccines are safe, even when the federal government itself publishes vaccine damage statistics and details of the billions of dollars in payouts that have been made to the families of vaccine-damaged children. You can download the data yourself at VAERS.HHS.GOV.
Yes, vaccines kill children and adults, too. Vaccines use toxic ingredients, and they contain the genetically modified DNA of aborted humans who were altered to activate cancer genes.
Yes, the CDC openly admits vaccines contain neurotoxic substances such as formaldehyde, mercury, squalene and aluminum. There is no debate that vaccines carry risk of harm and manage to harm a great number of children each year, yet many American adults who consider themselves to be “informed” have no clue of this reality.
That’s because anyone who talks about vaccine safety is immediately de-platformed from all the major tech platforms. And that’s happening because the vaccine deep state is run by the same CIA that runs the tech giants, and they’re using vaccines as a depopulation bioweapon against humanity, right now at this very moment. If you’re curious to see the overwhelming evidence that proves this assertion, check out this article and video.
Of all the really stupid beliefs held by modern Americans, the belief that the mainstream media is even attempting to tell the truth is among the most insane. It’s not just that CNN, the NYT, the WashPost, MSNBC, etc., get every major story wrong, it’s the fact that they intend to lie to their audiences.
For years, they’ve peddled false conspiracies about Russia and election meddling, always running cover for Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the deep state, while knowingly publishing damned lies about Trump and his supporters.
The corporate media in America is, plainly stated, openly engaged in criminal treason against the United States of America, yet there are still a (shrinking number of) morons who can somehow watch CNN’s Brian Stelter and not laugh out loud or puke all over themselves.
I’m not sure which is shrinking faster: CNN’s audience, or the brains of the remaining few who somehow still watch CNN.
Despite all the remarkable research about healing foods, nutrients, disease prevention, superfoods and “miraculous” food cures, there are still people — many of them are doctors — who think the only “real” medicine comes from a pharmacy.
Somehow, we are entering the decade of 2020 while millions of people still carry a belief system from the 1950s, when it was widely believed there were just four vitamins, and food was thought to be useless in promoting good health.
Now, of course, we know the truth: Pharmaceuticals are fake medicine, and food is the real medicine. If you’re not preventing disease and healing yourself through food, you’re not really up to speed on what modern science has documented about food as medicine.
In fact, we cover these breakthroughs every day at sites like FoodScience.news or SuperfoodsNews.com. Check them out to stay informed and prevent disease on a daily basis.
This is a two-fer: The insane, delusional Left has now convinced millions of people that all white people are evil, but also that children are the new “experts” on things like gun control and climate change.
Yep, adults are stupid and children have all the answers. Is this a freaking Disney movie? Nope, it’s the new narrative of the retarded Left, which thinks a 16-year-old girl whose mother claims she can literally see carbon dioxide — an invisible gas — is now a more credible “expert” than a 30-year scientist and expert in atmospheric chemistry.
And if you put up a poster that says, “It’s okay to be white,” you are immediately accused of hate crimes. Yes, it’s okay to be black, and it’s okay to be brown, but it’s never okay to be white in today’s insane “progressive” society defined by left-wing bigotry, racism and hate.
And if you’re Asian, the entire left-wing university system will brazenly discriminate against you for being too smart, making sure they can usher in a bunch of unqualified minorities who can’t compete with Asians when it comes to cognitive tests, so they’re given bonus points for “social justice,” whatever that means.
As we enter the 2020s, I do want to welcome all the Asians to the club, where we are all called “racists” by the very libtard lunatics whose policies are, by definition, the most racist of all. Just remember, if you don’t agree with everything a Leftist says, you are engaged in hate speech.
Finally, the really big false belief is summarized by the phrase, “normalcy bias.” People think the world will always operate as it does now because that’s all they know. They are incapable of imagining anything else, such as a grid down collapse, an economic collapse, World War III, a civil war on the streets of America, a food collapse followed by mass starvation, visitation by aliens and so on.
So they lead their pointless lives as sheeple living out some sort of mad experiment in shared insanity, oblivious to the reality that almost everything they think is permanent is actually headed for collapse.
Much of what currently functions in the world is entirely unsustainable, and that means it must come to an end.
Endless money creation must come to an end. Government debt spending must come to an end. The loss of fossil water to irrigate food crops must come to an end. The ecological destruction of the planet will eventually collapse the food supply on which we depend. The pensions will collapse once the market corrects. The dollar will eventually be abandoned as a failed fiat currency. The nuclear power plants will eventually fail and melt down, perhaps following a severe earthquake that already places multiple nuke plants in California in the direct line of fire.
You get the point. The history of our world has rarely seen as long a run of peace and prosperity as the one we are currently experiencing. Most of human history has been punctuated by genocide, democide, world wars and economic collapse. The fool thinks that’s all “history” now, and modern humans finally have it all figured out, but the wise person knows that history repeats itself.
The Fourth Turning isn’t a myth, it’s a cycle.
There’s nothing new under the sun, my friends, and all the stupid things humans did in the past are about to be magnified in the present because humans are more stupid today than ever before. This is partially thanks to Google, which is now in the business of suppressing human knowledge and dumbing down the masses, but it’s also the fault of the masses, who decided the internet was invented to deliver porn instead of wisdom.
Yes, we’re fighting against all this with the upcoming launch of our own search engine called Webseed.com — launching in January — which will focus on health and wellness content. But that’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the ocean of idiocy that now defines those who both use and run Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
It is my belief that America as we know it will not survive beyond 2025, which means these are in the last five years of a world structured as “normal,” at least as you and I have come to know it.
I hope I’m wrong, but I fear I’m right, as I was right about the 2000 dot com crash, the 2008 sub-prime housing bubble crash, the election of Trump, the criminality of Obama, the false flag operations of the FBI and a hundred other accurate predictions I’ve made over the last two decades.
Believe what you wish, just know that the more closely your beliefs are aligned with reality, the better chance you have at surviving what’s coming. Those who believe nonsensical things won’t fare well as reality smack them hard.
Stay informed. Read NaturalNews.com. Watch videos at Brighteon.com and read the censored news headlines at Censored.news. This is how you navigate what’s coming and avoid being suckered into insane belief systems like the ten things listed above.
Tagged Under: 2020, belief systems, beliefs, bizarre, chaos, groupthink, insanity, left cult, liberals, Libtards, lunatics, social unrest