09/11/2024 / By Mike Adams
Whatever you think about Springfield and the Haitian migrant invasion, one thing is crystal clear: When the famine hits hard, the Haitians know where to find food.
Average Americans, who are living on processed junk food from the grocery store, will largely be clueless (and will starve). The coming engineered food collapse and financial collapse will, indeed, see migrants / invaders demonstrating a much higher survival rate than typical Americans, as they truly possess more street survival skills.
Eating geese caught in the city park is also known as “wildcrafted meat.” If things get extreme enough, you will see widespread cannibalism in America’s collapsing cities. Yes, people will begin eating people. After all, it’s a “food” source (although insanely toxic) that’s local, probably walking right down your street. Cannibals in America don’t have to venture very far to find another meal.
I discuss this in more detail in today’s special report on cannibalism and the coming engineered famine:
Reminder that the Deagel predictions show 200 million Americans dying in the next 15 months or so. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen, but it’s quite clear the only thing necessary for the anti-human globalists to achieve that is to cut off the groceries — something that Kommie Kamala has already promised to do via price controls.
NOTE TO ALL: Street-wise migrant invaders don’t care about price controls. The geese in the city park are free. Price controls only impact those who pay for food, not those who steal it.
Tagged Under:
cannibalism, chaos, Collapse, famine, revolt, starvation, survival, uprising, wild food, wildcrafted
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